Mark Barrett |
Insects & Invertebrates
Invertebrates, are among the most diverse groups of animals on the planet, including more than a million described species, representing more than half of all known living organisms!
Small Skipper - (Thymelicus sylvestris)
Oak Bush-cricket - (Meconema thalassinum) Female
Oak Bush-cricket - (Meconema thalassinum) male
Ringlet butterfly - (Aphantopus hyperantus)
Roesel's Bush-cricket - Metrioptera roeselii
Clouded Border moth - (Lomaspilis marginata)
Common blue damselfly - (Enallagma cyathigerum)
Large White - (Pieris brassicae)
Blue-tailed Damselfly - (Ischnura elegans)
Female Orange-tip - (Anthocharis cardamines) and ovum, on Cuckooflower
Damselfly Large red (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
Damsel Large red - (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
Land Snails - Helicidae
Land Snails - Helicidae
Black ground beetle (Pterostichus)
Large Red - (Pyrrhosoma nymphula)
Vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus)